Maywood Veterinary Clinic Welcomes New Clients with Online Forms & More
You and your pets are important to us. We promote responsible pet ownership by providing optimal medical, surgical, and dental care for your special animal companion.
Learn more about us, meet our veterinarians and staff, and take a virtual tour of our clinic. Then contact the clinic to schedule your first appointment.
Accredited by the Best
Our facility is accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) for extraordinary care by experienced professionals in a quality environment.
Less than 15% of animal hospitals in the U.S. are certified by the AAHA. Members must meet the highest standards in professional pet care.
Areas Covered by the Accreditation Process:
- Anesthesia: Methods for assessing anesthetic needs in patients and appropriateness of equipment.
- Client Service: Communicates well with clients during all aspects of their visit.
- Contagious Disease: Protocols, processes and facilities to handle contagious diseases and avoid outbreaks.
- Continuing Education: Continuing education tools and opportunities for staff members.
- Dentistry: Safe dental procedures that protect both the patient and staff members.
- Diagnostic Imaging:: Diagnostic imaging protocols that create a safe environment for both the patient and staff members.
- Emergency: Equipment handling and process for emergencies.
- Examination Room: Properly equipped for thorough examinations.
- Housekeeping: Cleanliness.
- Human Resources: Handling of personnel matters.
- Laboratory: Laboratory services for the prompt diagnosis of patients.
- Leadership: Leadership’s commitment to creating a positive work environment and providing high-quality care.
- Medical Records: Continuity of care through medical record details.
- Pain Management: Pain assessment, management and training.
- Patient Care: Humane and advantageous care to patients during all aspects of their visit.
- Pharmacy: Proper handling, storing and dispensing of medications.
- Safety: Safety of environment for patients, clients and team.
- Surgery: Patient safety in an aseptic environment with appropriate pre– and post-operative considerations.
Clinic Hours
Monday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
Other than emergencies, patients see the veterinarians by appointment only. Please call the clinic in advance to schedule an office visit.
Our beautiful new building is spacious and comfortable for pets and their owners. We offer a well-stocked pharmacy and an on-site retail area with pet treats, prescription diets, and other pet supplies for purchase. Convenient off-street parking is available in back.
Learn about our payment options for veterinary services.
What We Need from You
- Inform our team of changes in your personal information or patient status
- Arrive on time for appointments and cancel, if necessary, in a timely fashion
- Follow recommended treatment plans
- Provide payment for services rendered
- Ask us about anything that is confusing or not understood
What You Can Expect from Us
- Respectful treatment every time
- Compassionate care for your pet
- Information and materials to help you understand a diagnosis
- Confidentiality
- Professional, timely services
- Knowledgeable and highly trained staff
We know you love your pets and we provide the care they deserve, every time.