Senior Pet Wellness Contributes to Longevity, Vitality, and Good Health

As your pet ages, changes take place that require adjustments to both their daily care and their veterinary care. Aging, however, doesn’t mean your pet has to slow down or fall into problems. With a focus on senior pet wellness, your furry friend can remain vital through the years.

At The Maywood Veterinary Clinic, we believe in the importance of senior pet wellness to contribute to longevity and quality of life. Let’s take a closer look at the components of senior pet wellness, and why they are needed.

Preventive Care for Early Detection

Over time, your pet may become susceptible to disease and conditions. These signs can be subtle at first, which is why knowing more about what to look for and common diseases affecting seniors is paramount.

Some things to follow up with your veterinarian include:

  • Changes in eating or drinking
  • Changes in weight
  • Changes in frequency of elimination or color of urine or feces
  • Discomfort during activity
  • Changes in disposition (anxiety, depression, aggression)
  • Increased vocalization (meowing, howling, etc)
  • Changes in coat
  • Non-healing sores or wounds
  • Lumps or bumps

These signs may be nothing to worry about, but an examination is necessary to give you peace of mind, or detect issues early.

What is a Senior Pet Wellness Exam?

A senior pet wellness exam is a comprehensive look into your pet’s overall health. This includes semi-annual blood work and urinalysis, since senior pets can experience changes or deterioration in health more rapidly. These diagnostic tests look for changes in kidney and liver function, or onset of diabetes, Cushing’s, or thyroid disease.

Other problems we look for include changes in vision and hearing and the presence of dental disease. Some pets experience changes in cognition or mobility. Senior pet wellness examinations are vital to addressing changes earlier, before anything progresses.

At Home Senior Wellness

You can also improve your pet’s general well-being by upgrading your pet’s daily routine to suite a senior lifestyle. Some things to potentially change include:

  • If you haven’t developed a regular tooth brushing regiment with your pet, do so now. Oral health keeps the entire body healthy, since dental disease can be linked to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and liver problems.
  • Switch your pet to a senior pet diet as well as beneficial supplements, like Omega-3 fish oils and glucosamine for mobility (ask your veterinarian).
  • Adjust the height of your pet’s bowls for better access and switch them to a softer or more supportive bed, like an orthopedic bed.
  • Maintain daily walks and playtime, with duration and distance based on ability.

If we can help answer any questions about senior pet wellness, or you would like to schedule an appointment for your sweet friend, please call us.

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